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HyperSonic_1985 3

Wait both of them are Super Saiyans? I understand how Vegeta is but didn't Bardock became Super Saiyan after the deaths of the Saiyan race?

HyperSonic_1985 08/17/2017 11:08:12   
Chewys 31

Really? It's not that important here, but i'll fix it if it has been stated that way.
Could you send the link please?

Chewys 08/17/2017 13:03:14   
AnimeChicken 5

He may be referring to the tv special where Bardock went Super Saiyan against Chilled because that isn't stated at all in DBM it just is implied that he learned and gained mastery of it in between the Freeza conflict and the Multiversal Tournament.. P.S I have been reading since the beginning and finally created an account you were and are still doing awesome keep up the good work!

AnimeChicken 08/17/2017 16:54:18   
Chewys 31

That´s what i understood also. But maybe it is stated otherwise in some part of the novel. If that`s the case i`ll correct it here. It doesn`t change the story of the special at all

Thanks for your support!!!

Chewys 08/17/2017 18:12:02   
venuu 19

we do know that barduck doesn't die here

venuu 08/18/2017 01:39:19   
Lord Mega 1

wait, why are vegeta and bardock super saiyans, and fighting each other? what the hell is going on?

Lord Mega 01/07/2018 20:58:00   
venuu 19

you should read DBM

venuu 01/07/2018 21:43:31   
Chewys 31

Hey there! Up until now, the specials were centered on Earth: for both U3 and U9 (Universes 3 and 9 of Dragon Ball Multiverse, in neither of them Goku arrived on Earth. In U9 i guess he was shot down by Cooler (like you´ve seen in the first pages) and in U3 he was never sent because Bardock launched a Rebelion against the Frost Demons----> this two chapters:

So, this happened only in U3: where the Saiyans united defeated Freezer and founded a saiyan empire. As you can see here, this also has consequences for Earth.

Remember that all of my comic is made by copy-paste and it´s based on the DBM fan comic, but it´s not cannon for it. So maybe events will turn out diffrent, but with the same results.

Hope it´s cleared!!! Thanks for all your comments!

Chewys 01/08/2018 14:18:38   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : Chewys

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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