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Explanations on Gold, XP and medals

What are the gold ?

Gold is the currency on the site. You can buy a membership with the gold and soon, even ebooks !

You can buy Gold on this page.

Gold price are depending your country and the payment system choosen, that's why the price may vary.

Amilova medals

Impressive actions are reward by beautiful medals ! There are regular medals which are listed here, and secret medals which list is... secret :). Each medal exist in bronze, silver and gold version ! Collect medals, display them on your profile... and show-off making jealous the one that have less medals :) !
Commentator :

Post comments on the site

  • Bronze: first comment posted
  • Silver: more than 50 comments
  • Gold: more than 500 comments
Follower :

Following a comic by mail

  • Bronze: first comic to follow
  • Silver: following more than 10 comics
  • Gold: following more than 50 comics
Replier :

Replying to comments

  • Bronze: first reply to a comment
  • Silver: more than 50 replies
  • Gold: more than 500 replies
Massager :

Sending personal messages to other users

  • Bronze: first personal message sent
  • Silver: more than 50 personal messages sent
  • Gold: more than 500 personal messages sent
Polemikor :

Created topics in the site's message board

  • Bronze: first topic created
  • Silver: more than 50 topics created
  • Gold: more than 500 topics created
Popular :

Total number of you friends

  • Bronze: become friend with another user
  • Silver: more than 50 friends
  • Gold: more than 500 friends
Postor :

Making posts on the site's message board

  • Bronze: first post created
  • Silver: more than 50 posts
  • Gold: more than 500 posts created
Profiler :

Complete your profile information

  • Bronze: Avatar uploaded
  • Silver: Completed all of the profile fields
  • Gold: All profile fields completed and at least 3 other medals are obtained
Premium User :

Become a premium member

  • Bronze: be a premium member for at least 1 week
  • Silver: Be a premium member for more than a 5 months
  • Gold: Be a premium member for more than 10 months

Amilova Experience

Go crazy on and earn Xps ! Cumulate Xps and Level Up ! Become a feared and respected Legend ! To earn Xp ou can comment, publish your own comic, help artists, translate, open topics on the message board... well the list of xp actions is there !

Action Experience
1 post on message board 1 point
1 topic created on message board 3 points
1 comment on the site 1 point
1 reply to a comment on the site 2 points
1 reply to your comment on the site 1 point

Below is the grid of levels :
Level Experience reward
1 > 5 50 noob
6 > 10 70 minion
11 > 15 100 acolyte
16 > 20 150 Adventurer
21 > 25 200 Gladiator
26 > 30 1000 Champion
31 > 35 2000 Conqueror
36 > 40 3000 Héro
41 > 99 5000 Legend

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