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Magical Fami

Magical Fami : manga cover

Fami, the granddaughter of Doremi Harukaze, lives in 2054. With Queen Flora, she will try to open the Sacred Door that separates the humans from the magical world.

Художник :

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Обновления : Finished

Жанры : Fantasy - SF

Тип : манга - Saga
(Манга (справа налево))

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Message board : topics about Magical Fami

NoX New Topic! 27Jul All comics - Magical Fami - English Hello everybody!! Magical Fami's translation began! So, I know that my traduction not perfect is ! But I expected you for helping (...)
TroyB New Topic! 19Jun All comics - Magical Fami - Just ignore me if you want. But I don´t like to lie. Pizzacat, Mat972, thanks for your support but please answer in english so it's stays coherent and understandable :). Shicajacs po (...)

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