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lysgris 8

whoo dude...

lysgris 07/05/2011 17:16:41   
Meumeujeu 9

Yep, Whooo ...

The one who's on the cellar remind me of a monster in the Ravenloft campaign setting for Dungeon and Dragons Pen and Paper RPG. A monster called "Backward man" or something like that. Creepy people with theyr neck twisted so much that the face is on the side of theyr back. The illustration was in the same kind of pose as above, like a spider ...

(Yeah, I Know, I'm a RPG geek ...)

Meumeujeu 07/05/2011 20:57:54   
johandark 34

Meumeujeu said:(Yeah, I Know, I'm a RPG geek ...)

Well I´m a WOD RPG geek... (World of Darkness, new and old version, Masquerade and Requiem). xD

johandark 07/05/2011 21:10:42   
Meumeujeu 9

johandark said:Meumeujeu said:(Yeah, I Know, I'm a RPG geek ...)

Well I´m a WOD RPG geek... (World of Darkness, new and old version, Masquerade and Requiem). xD

I've mastered a campaign in the Masquerade setting a few years back, but using the Requiem rules. It was really fun, especially when there was Malkavian involved One of the players was a Brujah, leader of one big crime family in Chicago, struggling against the others family. And the other players naturally come to play their part in the gang : financial expert, diplomat, ... Good mémories ^^

Meumeujeu 07/06/2011 11:03:42   
Gothic Angel 3

whats wrong with their privates!?

Gothic Angel 07/21/2014 19:25:13   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: cover




Author :

Team : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Translation by : johandark

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Monday, Wednesday , Friday

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF

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