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shadow123 1

where are the other chapters

shadow123 05/21/2012 14:56:24   
squirrley4life 1

I'm with shadow, where are the other chapters? sniffle

squirrley4life 05/22/2012 22:13:53   
johandark 34

Humm.. I´m afraid that if this is a Japanese author he will not post any more pages... since he did not make any comment... :S it´s sad... but if you want more pages.. ask to Tze the translator... or to Fikiri.

johandark 05/22/2012 23:19:03   
TroyB 41

johandark said:Humm.. I´m afraid that if this is a Japanese author he will not post any more pages... since he did not make any comment... :S it´s sad... but if you want more pages.. ask to Tze the translator... or to Fikiri.
MarinaPRIV is a russian author and she's done more pages .
3 pages a week, Tze is finishing the translation .

TroyB 05/23/2012 09:10:48   
tze 7

There seems to be some Spanish translation that ended up competing with the English one for some reason. I tried to trump it, but I'm not sure if it worked, so please let me know if there's still a problem, guys!

tze 05/23/2012 09:13:37   
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