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presentation of Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

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English  日本語 

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Clearly, Sagiri is not pleased with the brutally amounts of pink thrown onto her.

[[So, this was all inspired by a weird dream…

I was discussing programming with Sagiri and my boss over tea. Halfway through explaining a bugfix I was working on, bossman gets a call, which he excuses himself to deal with. Conversation wanders to the merits of ginger for a few minutes, until a waiter comes by to whisper into the Tengu’s ear.

She simply nods, and pulls out a little pink locket. “Please excuse me.” Then there’s a flash of light, and Sagiri is decked out in a magical girl get up. Frills, bows everywhere, and more pink lace than anyone should ever wear. Sparkle sparkle, and she just ran off to save the world from something while I’m sitting there with my mouth hanging open.

Of course, that’s when my boss returns. “Where’d the bird woman go?”

"She… got magicked up and ran."

The ass just nodded like that was normal. “She does that.”

When I woke up, I knew art must be done. And Jacki did not disappoint!]]

Everything about this is perfect, especially the look on her face. And the shaky legs on heels.

From jisuk - Original post


I've been replaying Apollo Justice and everytime I see Ema eating those Snackoos I got a craving for snacks.

So I went to my grocery store looking for a similar chocolate snack. Woefully, I found nothing. At the last minute I found these, though they weren't in the chocolate section.

I opened the bag and -- I was right. They were a bit sweet, definitely not chocolate. Curious, I looked at the bag. Ka-rin-to? Okay, lets Google that. Seems interesting, but it looks like I failed at-




My Snackoos adventure. 

I’ve been replaying Apollo Justice and everytime I saw Ema eating those ‘chocolate Snackoos’ I got a craving for them.

So I went to my grocery store looking for a similar chocolate snack. Woefully, I found nothing. At the last minute I found these, though they weren’t in the chocolate section. They were suspiciously placed in the ‘old people traditional Japanese snacks’ section. I had a feeling they weren’t chocolate but they were the closest looking thing in the store.

I opened the bag and — I was right. They were a bit sweet, definitely not chocolate. Curious, I looked at the bag. Ka-rin-tou? Okay, let’s Google that. Seems interesting, but it looks like I failed at—




From jisuk - Original post


WIP sketch

I’ve always wanted to do one of these action posters… I hope I actually finish it.

From jisuk - Original post



Karasu: Book II 七 Part 07 (Human)


Okay, I put the chapter back up I’m sorry for being melodramatic it’s impossible to feel sorry for myself when you guys are so nice… *bows profusely while exiting, hits head on doorframe*

From jisuk - Original post


my eyes have been opened

From jisuk - Original post




Thanks, though… there really aren’t that many people reading Karasu. The site gets about 20 hits a day, compared to the Fishbones comic which gets around 1,000 daily despite not updating anymore. Yes, twenty, two zero. So, that said, it really makes me appreciate the people who do read it. So, thank you so much for supporting my dumb little story.

Well, I agree with mefasaur that it likely has to do with the medium, as mostly text things rarely get hugely popular in this age of easily consumable video media. I’m glad you still put a lot of effort into it, even if it isn’t as crazy popular; all the people I know who read it are grateful, certainly, as am I. I should get my sister to make more fan art (she was actually spoiled about the Shichi raven thing, funnily enough, as she’s trying to read it in blocks of five updates) or maybe make Gaydragon do more stuff if I ever catch him or maybe even write something on my own for once; what else could help cheer ya up than a showcase that people enjoy your stuff enough to put effort into doing a fan work towards it? I’ve never done something like Karasu, but when people talk about how fun of an experience they had in whatever I ran or even got/drew art of it, it’s a really nice feeling.

Thanks, that’s very nice of you. You don’t have to ask anyone to make me fanart, though. I appreciate it but that’s okay. I don’t think I’ll be working on it for a while so now would probably be a good time for your sister to catch up.

From jisuk - Original post


Ah, today was Our first real snowfall of the year in Tokyo.

From jisuk - Original post


rubricmarine replied to your post: Ahh jeez you guys are really so sweet,…

Nah, you’re not a crybaby, it’s understandable that you’d be sad if someone didn’t like a design that you put hard work into. Just take solace in that, even though people inevitably don’t like everything, you still have many people who enjoy Karasu!

Thanks, though… there really aren’t that many people reading Karasu. The site gets about 20 hits a day, compared to the Fishbones comic which gets around 1,000 daily despite not updating anymore. Yes, twenty, two zero. So, that said, it really makes me appreciate the people who do read it. So, thank you so much for supporting my dumb little story.

From jisuk - Original post


Ahh jeez you guys are really so sweet, thank you. I’m just a big crybaby haha.

Er also, please do not send anon hate to anyone, especially not on my behalf! Let’s all be nice! Being nice is cool.

From jisuk - Original post


yeah but im not normal i prefer normal bird-schichi.

i’m really sorry then. i guess i just… was really excited to see what people thought and…


From jisuk - Original post


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