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Bird - complete

Bird - complete : manga cover

"Bird" is a story about a sceptical little girl who seem to care about nothing.
Being at a boring summer camp, she hates the thought of bonding with the others.
But one night, she hears a ghost story that might make her change her attitude…

Communicate, express, understand, don't understand, get lost, find, try to catch whats escaping you.

Hi, I am Milena Simeonova.
I'm an animation student, who is crazy about comics, currently located in Bulgaria.
Since in animation I've been working only on shorts, in comics I'm more interested in developing longer stories with multiple chapters. I’m interested in working in any comic format, though. It’s always exciting to experiment with comic shorts and strips.
"Bird" is a very personal project and very important to me. I consider it a big step in my development as a comic artist. But it's up to you to decide if it's good or bad.
Follow my thoughts on it on my blog ''

Cartoonist :

Translator : and

Helper :

Original Language : English

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Thriller

Type : manga
(read from left to right)

172 Comments on the pages of Bird - complete

Lil Red Lil Red 17Dec ch1 p1 :D
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 25Feb ch3 p16 The story is quite shorter than I had expected, but that's a great comic anyway. :) Thank you ! It was a challenge for me t (...)
Maew-RS Maew-RS 25Feb ch3 p16 At least she had cared of someone before she left...
Maew-RS Maew-RS 25Feb ch3 p16 The story is quite shorter than I had expected, but that's a great comic anyway. :)
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 15Feb ch3 p16 Well, here's the end of my story. I hope you liked it. I would like to hear your comments... Thank you, everyone who followed my (...)
Maew-RS Maew-RS 29Jan ch3 p10 Who's crying here?
NanaJ NanaJ 15Jan ch3 p6 Hmm....She doesn't tell anyone that she did. Well, she didn't :)
Maew-RS Maew-RS 14Jan ch3 p6 Hmm....She doesn't tell anyone that she did.
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 2Jan ch3 p2 love the hair ^^ Thanks! :):little-girl:
Esteryn Esteryn 2Jan ch3 p2 love the hair ^^
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 2Jan ch3 p2 I love the way you draw her legs. They look elastic. ^^ Thanks :) I try to make her look more cartoony :)
Maew-RS Maew-RS 2Jan ch3 p2 I love the way you draw her legs. They look elastic. ^^
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 23Dec ch2 p16 It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner. :at: yeah, I nice way to make money :D - You want the (...)
ceco1 ceco1 22Dec ch2 p16 It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner. :P yeah, I nice way to make money :D - You want the ba (...)
Maew-RS Maew-RS 22Dec ch2 p16 forgot to mention - this is the end of the chapter. It seemed that the others more interest her "treasure" than the owner. :P

172 comments in other languages.

Démolaris Démolaris 21Sep ch3 p17 chuper !
Démolaris Démolaris 21Sep ch1 p5 Hahahaha illarant XD
Senexspiritus Senexspiritus 11Oct ch1 p16 Síguelo por favor, esta interesante
Erazade Erazade 22Feb ch3 p16 C'était magnifique, bravo ! C'est dommage par contre que la traduction ai quelques soucis: parfois l'oiseau est féminin, parfois (...)
Lily' Lily' 18Jul ch3 p17 J'aime beaucoup l'héroïne. Mais.. Je n'arrive pas vraiment à saisir l'histoire...
Isidesu Isidesu 27May ch3 p16 Je viens de tout lire, c'était très beau, merci :)
Bellatrice Bellatrice 17May ch3 p17 Le pari "sans niveau de gris" a été réussi, bravo. Niveau de l'histoire je trouve dommage que l'héroïne ait l'air plus triste que (...)
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11May ch3 p12 ou alors c'est comme le conte du roi nu, ça se trouve personne ne l'a vu mais personne ne veut l'avouer de peur de paraitre ridicu (...)
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11May ch2 p12 "travail d'équipe" mais oui mais oui. :P
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11May ch2 p1 Ouais les chasses au trésor ! \o/ Presque jamais fait mais ça m'a toujours excité sans raison.
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11May ch1 p15 Très joli l'oiseau. Le style est bien et l'héroïne n'est pas désagréable donc attachante. :D Ma seule critique est le nettoyage d (...)
Geor Geor 8Oct ch1 p11 jajaja :D siguela me gusta .. :!: :!:
Norume Norume 25Sep ch3 p17 J'ai beaucoup aimé ton histoire même si je pense qu'il faudrait que je relise tout ça pour bien tout avoir en tête. J'aime bien ta (...)
CrashBoomBang CrashBoomBang 2Apr ch3 p16 Merci :) J'espere que c'etait la seule fin possible pour cette histoire, elle est venue tout naturel
poulpytooly poulpytooly 30Mar ch3 p16 HAHA j'en étais sûre ! ::XD:: Eh bien, même si c'était parfois tiré par les cheveux et qu'il va falloir que je relise tout bien en (...)

Message board : topics about Bird - complete

CrashBoomBang New Topic! 4Nov All comics - Bird - complete - Bird in italian! Thanks to Sool we now have the begining of "Bird" in italian :) (...)
CrashBoomBang New Topic! 4Nov All comics - Bird - complete - Bird blog Hi~! To keep things neat, I decided to create a blog about the progress of making "Bird". Here you can check it out -> http://bi (...)

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