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Elentari 1

so cool! want to see more pages!

Elentari 10/16/2011 02:30:02   
EdwardElric 1

it's AMAZING Toh !

EdwardElric 10/18/2011 11:30:29   
Kamisama 1

just too good

Kamisama 10/18/2011 17:33:36   
NatsuDragneel 1

splendid storytelling

NatsuDragneel 10/18/2011 19:39:12   
Drawly 11

Awesome page! Those guys are so epic!

Drawly 10/22/2011 18:15:43   
Toh 7

Thank you all for the nice words, and i am sorry for being a bit late but i was very sick these days. Doing my best to upload the new pages ASAP

Toh 10/23/2011 02:21:35   
kirma 3

why moon it dosent look evil

kirma 05/12/2012 23:00:10   
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