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5289 visitas
6 comentarios
liainja 1

liainja 28/07/2012 05:29:28   
fullfuyuran 1

great manga but the english translations defo need some work

fullfuyuran 22/09/2012 02:18:36   
McLeod 15

fullfuyuran ha dicho:great manga but the english translations defo need some work

That's true... but maybe you can help the artist improve the translations no ?

McLeod 24/09/2012 18:13:42   

I agree but it is not easy to find the right dialogue when is translated

FMWOLF 09/10/2012 16:06:40   
kiri92 1


kiri92 22/11/2012 16:42:38   
madeleine237 1


madeleine237 14/04/2013 07:15:48   
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