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Un grand merci à mon pote Seby pour la dédicac, je lui ai demandé de me dessiner Condor avec la pose de Jonathan Goldsmith aka "The most interesting man in the world"
Pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas:

Compilation of the Dos Equis Beer Commercials - The Most Interesting Man in the World

He is The Most Interesting Man in The World and here is why. This is not my work, but it's the most iconic alcoholic beverage advertising propaganda I've see...

Dos Equis - The Most Interesting Man In The World

The entire collection of the Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man In the World" ads. Stay thirsty my friends... -Intro -30 sec ad #1 -30 sec ad #2 -30 sec ad ...


XD Tellement Condor !


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