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Part 1: his dreams.

 我想要的未来,有爱我的人,有时间回家探望家人.夜晚开车去沙滩看天上的星星,数一数许许愿。 -  The future that I want, has people who love me, has the time for me to return home and visit my family.  I want to drive to the beach at night to see the stars in the night sky,to count the stars and make a wish. ©

This is why I find you special Zitao, because you’re human and despite being an idol, you act human.  You want the love and support that comes from being an idol, but yet you want the peace and calmness of a “normal life”.  A life where you can go to the beach and sit and think and drink coffee, you can sort through your thoughts by lying on a bed of grass and listening to music, and you can lull yourself to the sound of the ocean which you always seemed to love. Maybe you love the ocean so much because of the vastness of it, the endlessness, the countless possibilities and stories that hide beneath the waves.  Maybe you like watching the waves crash against the shore, watch as the water shatters against land, before bouncing back and returning to its state of calm.  The push and pull of the sea reminds me of your life as an idol, Zitao.  Trying to balance the fame, the attention, and the spotlight with your wishes to return home, to see your family, to have your grandmothers cooking and to count the stars in the sky.  I think there’s a part of you that wants both lives, but in the world we live in, you can only really have one.  However, although your future ahead might not be ideal, I think it still will be great, because you are great, Zitao, and I am so proud of all you have and will accomplish. 

From heavenlynote - Original post


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