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Kardelle Scarlet Blade

Kardelle has some of the most strangest clothes i've ever seen. Lessee... that pink top gets the work done... partly, save the nipples are showing... Did someone just stole part of that or what?

Seriously, the concept artist of Scarlet Blade did a really interesting work to make a game which portrays this as their main point of interest. And don't get it mistaken, that is what the game sells.I LIKE her work. Some will think it is to appeal the male population who plays games. Yes, it is true, i also think something that showing her attributes like that serves to enhance her feminine pride as well, she is a woman who isn't afraid of showing it.


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Happy Valentine's day!

Love is hell! XDDDD Valentine's day Scarlet Blade style?...


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UVS 10 Universe going for a walk

Just made it... Love VRay freaking photorealism! Oh! and despite the similarities, she has nothing to do with Kosmos :)


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UVS 10 Uni New Build

A new build of hers! This time, i have taken way too much inspiration from Scarlet Blade, to the point she may look like any other arkana... Yeah, they wear those skimpy outfits... even more...

I am still not completely happy with her, so it may be subject to changes.


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