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Weeeird stuff aheads...

Yeah... is it posible for a human person to fave in less than 1 minute a lot of pictures? because i had a SPAM-SPREE of 198 faves this morning when i returned to D.A.

Not that i am not aware of the raid on the Deviant Art pages of "heckers" (what the heck? :P) trying to gain control over the accounts of people. Is it really that special to have ruined the work of a lot of people just for the sake of it?... it seems so. That is one of the reasons why i still don't trust internet 100% and why i always feel the need to keep things on the physical plane. There is still too much "free spirit" who simply doesn't like to see how people enjoy art, a ...

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Happy Valentine's day!

Love is hell! XDDDD Valentine's day Scarlet Blade style?...


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UVS 10 Universe going for a walk

Just made it... Love VRay freaking photorealism! Oh! and despite the similarities, she has nothing to do with Kosmos :)


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UVS 10 Uni New Build

A new build of hers! This time, i have taken way too much inspiration from Scarlet Blade, to the point she may look like any other arkana... Yeah, they wear those skimpy outfits... even more...

I am still not completely happy with her, so it may be subject to changes.


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