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It's not like I'm lonely or anything--

“What, no! I totally did not call you because I feel lonely or anything! I-I just…Uh…Seriously, if you HAD to return the world back to normal, you could’ve at least make the nights less cold y’know! ……….N-NO I don’t want you to come over, you stupid jerk! Not like you’d do that for me anyways, s-so shut up!”

Oooh Isamu, you could just admit you’d like Hitoshura’s company!

yes, sometimes I still draw sob. I actually like the outcome ;w; it made me a bit happier because I love Isamu (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

Honestly though, I can't wait for my summer break to finally start, I'm so done with everything ugh. also 120 more deviations from you guys I actually have to look through...! And I still owe quite some people art, I know.

Isamu Nitta - SMT: Nocturne - ATLUS
Art - Me


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do not repost my work without my permission. tumblr link is here:…


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do not repost anywhere without my permission, the tumblr post is here:…


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do not repost my art anywhere without my permission. the tumblr link is here:…

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