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yaoi6's blog

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Hello! I did these pages in September for some contests I didn’t win but I’m still proud of it.

English isn’t my mother language but I want to explain the reasons behind the story: some experience during my teaching (master intership) on kids of twelve-thirteen years old.

My tutor gave me freedom to developed a lesson plan about publicity. I designed nine classes, the first class was about the main characteristics of publicity and the rest of them were about subvertising. Malicious advertisings was analyzed and categorized in: sexism, racism, cult of the beauty,consumerism and homophobia.

Aaand there I found the first reason, kids didn’t know what was homophobia but they point the bad things on the homophobic advertising. Although I explained what is when I finished my teaching they didn’t remember clearly the term. I’m a bit self disappointed. On the other hand, makes me want to work to communicate more understandable.

Go back to the point. Children make groups of three-four and chose an advertising to do a subvertising of it. I went table to table asking for their choices and when one boy said….well, he didn’t say, he pointed to the picture and said: “this” I was very happy because it was the homophobic one and when I replied cheerfully “the homophobic?” he ask me what was and I answer: “the adv. about discrimination of gay people” he quickly yell: WHAT. NO. No gays. I was a little shocked so I ask why… the response? “I don’t like gay people. Gays can come to me” I explain to him that doesn’t truth but I don’t know if I do enough….

Finally, I saw the back of a chair like in the comic, that were written “proud gay”. I don’t understand because well is not an insult itself but in the context it seems ( perversion of the language) In the comic I changed this fact to make it more obvious.


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Adjectives: 3/4

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Hello! I did these pages in September for some contests I didn’t win but I’m still proud of it.

English isn’t my mother language but I want to explain the reasons behind the story: some experience during my teaching (master intership) on kids of twelve-thirteen years old.

My tutor gave me freedom to developed a lesson plan about publicity. I designed nine classes, the first class was about the main characteristics of publicity and the rest of them were about subvertising. Malicious advertisings was analyzed and categorized in: sexism, racism, cult of the beauty,consumerism and homophobia.

Aaand there I found the first reason, kids didn’t know what was homophobia but they point the bad things on the homophobic advertising. Although I explained what is when I finished my teaching they didn’t remember clearly the term. I’m a bit self disappointed. On the other hand, makes me want to work to communicate more understandable.

Go back to the point. Children make groups of three-four and chose an advertising to do a subvertising of it. I went table to table asking for their choices and when one boy said….well, he didn’t say, he pointed to the picture and said: “this” I was very happy because it was the homophobic one and when I replied cheerfully “the homophobic?” he ask me what was and I answer: “the adv. about discrimination of gay people” he quickly yell: WHAT. NO. No gays. I was a little shocked so I ask why… the response? “I don’t like gay people. Gays can come to me” I explain to him that doesn’t truth but I don’t know if I do enough….

Finally, I saw the back of a chair like in the comic, that were written “proud gay”. I don’t understand because well is not an insult itself but in the context it seems ( perversion of the language) In the comic I changed this fact to make it more obvious.


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Adjectives: 2/4

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Hello! I did these pages in September for some contests I didn’t win but I’m still proud of it.

English isn’t my mother language but I want to explain the reasons behind the story: some experience during my teaching (master intership) on kids of twelve-thirteen years old.

My tutor gave me freedom to developed a lesson plan about publicity. I designed nine classes, the first class was about the main characteristics of publicity and the rest of them were about subvertising. Malicious advertisings was analyzed and categorized in: sexism, racism, cult of the beauty,consumerism and homophobia.

Aaand there I found the first reason, kids didn’t know what was homophobia but they point the bad things on the homophobic advertising. Although I explained what is when I finished my teaching they didn’t remember clearly the term. I’m a bit self disappointed. On the other hand, makes me want to work to communicate more understandable.

Go back to the point. Children make groups of three-four and chose an advertising to do a subvertising of it. I went table to table asking for their choices and when one boy said….well, he didn’t say, he pointed to the picture and said: “this” I was very happy because it was the homophobic one and when I replied cheerfully “the homophobic?” he ask me what was and I answer: “the adv. about discrimination of gay people” he quickly yell: WHAT. NO. No gays. I was a little shocked so I ask why… the response? “I don’t like gay people. Gays can come to me” I explain to him that doesn’t truth but I don’t know if I do enough….

Finally, I saw the back of a chair like in the comic, that were written “proud gay”. I don’t understand because well is not an insult itself but in the context it seems ( perversion of the language) In the comic I changed this fact to make it more obvious.


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Adjectives: 1/4

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Hello! I did these pages in September for some contests I didn’t win but I’m still proud of it.

English isn’t my mother language but I want to explain the reasons behind the story: some experience during my teaching (master intership) on kids of twelve-thirteen years old.

My tutor gave me freedom to developed a lesson plan about publicity. I designed nine classes, the first class was about the main characteristics of publicity and the rest of them were about subvertising. Malicious advertisings was analyzed and categorized in: sexism, racism, cult of the beauty,consumerism and homophobia.

Aaand there I found the first reason, kids didn’t know what was homophobia but they point the bad things on the homophobic advertising. Although I explained what is when I finished my teaching they didn’t remember clearly the term. I’m a bit self disappointed. On the other hand, makes me want to work to communicate more understandable.

Go back to the point. Children make groups of three-four and chose an advertising to do a subvertising of it. I went table to table asking for their choices and when one boy said….well, he didn’t say, he pointed to the picture and said: “this” I was very happy because it was the homophobic one and when I replied cheerfully “the homophobic?” he ask me what was and I answer: “the adv. about discrimination of gay people” he quickly yell: WHAT. NO. No gays. I was a little shocked so I ask why… the response? “I don’t like gay people. Gays can come to me” I explain to him that doesn’t truth but I don’t know if I do enough….

Finally, I saw the back of a chair like in the comic, that were written “proud gay”. I don’t understand because well is not an insult itself but in the context it seems ( perversion of the language) In the comic I changed this fact to make it more obvious.


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