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Competition D -15 ♥ ! Inscriptions H -7 but...

Published on 2011-09-30

... but after many many requests, you can still send your candidature to until the 12th of October !

Competition still starts the 15th of october, this time it's for real ;) !

  • You needed more time to present your art ? You have 10days bonus !
  • Your comic has not been accepted ? You have 10 more days to present it again after reworking your pages. We suggest you to present your pages on the message board so you can get more feedback from the artists and the members, and you will know what and how to improve.
  • Your comic has been accepted ? Hourrrah you rock !!! It means it's great AND it has been sent on time, awesome ;) !!!

There's already more than 100 artists participating !
Over 80 comics are on, nearly 40 of them are being translated in english... soon there will be more comics translated thanks to our kind community !
The competition sounds exciting ;).

Well since were at it, some fresh news :) !

  • the collaborative translation interface has greatly improved, now you can suggest translations and improvement very easily, suggest your own language for any comic, vote for the best translations ;).
  • soon our books will be available on Amazon ! Amilova, Hémisphères and RUN8 will be there before the end of october ;).
  • the video game Amiloverse is going to improve brutally, you'll be amazed ;).
  • and lots and lots of cool stuff coming ;) !

Amilova is going to celebrate its 1st year ! Everything we do is done FOR and THANKS to you !!! This is just the beginning... your support is what is pushing us to move forward ;) !!!

See you soon on the message board and in the comments ;)

***** Amilova Team*****

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