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A Page of My Diaries

you don't have to comment on it to console or anything ,, cuz i probably won't be in the right mood to reply .. i just thought of sharing it , since you are the only people i'm sharing my personal life with.. without even being forced to tell my ID ..
Yesterday i broke up with the one whom i love , and while i'm typing this , tears are rolling on my cheeks .. the break up was more like a deal , to keep away from each other .. that doesn't include not feeling love towards each other.
The conditions were way stronger then us to keep us going in this impossible relationship  ..we've been together for three years .. but suddenly something came ...

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Other Posts


I saw this cute animation of Lance wearing light up shoes and I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. It's something I can see happening and that's just so cute ;; 
I also made it into a little animation - it's on my tumblr…


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Lance and Blue

My baby boy taking selfies with his kitty ♥

I still can't draw cats ugh 


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Mew Ichigo

Look! I posted something! And I'm kinda back? I'm still thinking about it. Right now I will post from time to time and we will see ay. c:

for now enjoy a little fanart from my first anime ever - Tokyo Mew Mew ♥


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