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#1 31 Oct, 2011 20:54:30

carl hood

can anyone help me to understand more about
and what is a ploke?

#2 31 Oct, 2011 21:43:41


First tell us something about yourself and then we will deside if you can be intrusted in our misdeeds smile But seriously, Amilova is an Online community for comic book artists and such...something like facebook...but for artists smile Take a look around the site and you'll find more wink

Last edited by Mart (31 Oct, 2011 21:48:24)

#3 01 Nov, 2011 18:02:45


Hi Carl, nice to meet you and welcome to Amilova! smile Ploke is a thing you can send to other members to enter into communication or just to meet somebody. But first of all I treat it like a game and I send back every Ploke I receive smile

#4 01 Nov, 2011 18:20:41


Ploke is just a "touch" like "eeeiii"... Just this... Not really a complicated thing xD.

The idea of amilova is that a person who does not understand too much of internet could understand everything easily... so Please... if there´s is something you don´t understand too much or you think is a little complicated, please tell it here, and amilova team will be really graceful because will be something probably important to improve.

Wellcome to amilova wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#5 01 Nov, 2011 20:29:09

carl hood

Thank you! That really helps!

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