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3 комментарии
Hrevelax 1

"If the Dragon let me speak more than one word..."

That's a funny thing to say. Is the dragon a chatty one or is the guy implying that the Dragon will kill him on sight? Great art, will keep reading to find out!

Hrevelax 01/27/2012 22:50:24   
Strawberry 10

In french, what Dragan says mean that the Dragon will kill him on sight, or something like that.
I hope that my comic will entertain you, and i'm glad to have a new reader!

Strawberry 01/28/2012 23:20:13   
Hrevelax 1

Strawberry сказал:In french, what Dragan says mean that the Dragon will kill him on sight, or something like that.
I hope that my comic will entertain you, and i'm glad to have a new reader!

Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up, ha ha.

Hrevelax 02/27/2012 16:17:59   

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