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5 комментарии
Bellatrice 33

I approve the girl (I lost her name). Copyright's altération become funny.

Bellatrice 02/22/2013 09:37:53   
Eisu 1

Actually, I didn't alter the names of the comics for copyright reasons, it's more so that I can write whatever story I can with those characters and they can be considered canon without disrupting what's actually happening in the actual comics.

Eisu 02/24/2013 11:19:10   
Bellatrice 33

I understand, thanks.

Bellatrice 02/24/2013 12:04:09   
TroyB 41

Thanks for tha explanation

TroyB 02/25/2013 14:47:07   
Death-carioca 30

I would SO read Spider-Bee. Spider-Man is my favourite by the by. ^^

Death-carioca 06/20/2014 15:37:17   

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