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7458 vues
6 commentaires
YonYonYon 6

Aaaaaah... I'm terribly sorry for the late. But my exams had started... cough butiscribledalotofcrap cough I'm sorry =A=
Tomorrow I'll upload next page.
Merry Christmas.

YonYonYon 25/12/2011 20:37:19   
TroyB 41

YonYonYon a dit:Aaaaaah... I'm terribly sorry for the late. But my exams had started... cough butiscribledalotofcrap cough I'm sorry =A=
Tomorrow I'll upload next page.
Merry Christmas.

yeaaah please hurry up, I can't wait .

TroyB 25/12/2011 21:24:33   
YonYonYon 6

TroyB a dit:YonYonYon a dit:Aaaaaah... I'm terribly sorry for the late. But my exams had started... cough butiscribledalotofcrap cough I'm sorry =A=
Tomorrow I'll upload next page.
Merry Christmas.

yeaaah please hurry up, I can't wait .

YonYonYon 25/12/2011 23:31:58   
Drawly 11

I really like your comics so I can't wait for the next pages! Keep up the cool work ;D

Drawly 25/12/2011 23:02:47   
YonYonYon 6

Drawly a dit:I really like your comics so I can't wait for the next pages! Keep up the cool work ;D

YonYonYon 25/12/2011 23:31:46   
MissLoki Laufeyson 5

very interesting comic!!

MissLoki Laufeyson 03/03/2013 22:39:00   
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The Heart of Earth

The Heart of Earth: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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