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presentation of misscube

Bon ben voilà, je suis infographiste 3D et dessinatrice à mes heures perdues. Fan de manga, cinéma, musée et tutti quanti!!

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Froggy Art animator

hello!! i work as a Computer graphics educational animator at Froggy Art (Lyon). And my boss asked me to draw all the staff like that. Left to right : Cédric Forect, Maxime Rocisano, Romain Gorce, jean Pascal Viallet, Sylvain Raphanel and Box Nadège (Miss cube me^^). And the most important : the frog!!!!

I can draw you or your friend like that as a commission if you want!

And if you are french and live in Lyon, if you want to leanr drawing, computer graphics, photo, illustration etc... visit our website : [link]


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Cybord killer

It's a new version of an old character concept.

French ***

Elle s'appelle Jordan Lee. Elle a 25 ans et c'est une tueuse déjantée. Même si son corps de cyborg lui offre des possibilités pour tuer (arme cachée dans son bras etc..), elle préfère un bon vieux couteau, souvenir de son adolescence quand elle était entièrement de chair et d'os. Elle sait se battre et pratique de krav maga. Pour gagner sa vie elle accepte de jouer les mercenaires, qu'importe la cible pourvu que le client paie. Elle n'a rien de gentille, elle n'a pas de blessures secrète, elle est 100% mauvaise.

English ***
her name is Jordan Lee and she is a crazy murderer. Even if she has a cyborg body with a lot of weapon inside (like guns in her arms..) she prefers her knife, memories of her teenage years when she was totally human with flesh and blood. She knows krav maga. To earn money, she accepts to be a mercenarie, whoever the target. She's not gentle, shy or whatever, she's cray, and bad.


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Dana Scully

Copyright The X Files


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Reunion Island beach

My first watercolor!


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Kaori Makimura

Character of City Hunter


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Box Nadege French Canadian Resume

It's my new french canadian resume.


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Miss cube RPG

It's a 3d version of my avatar. It's for my resume. I decided to do a comic resume with different style of my avatar. This one is for the experience part (like in a rpg game).

The background is a mix between 3d and illustration

3ds max (vray), photoshop


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Cyber Goth

It's an original character named Lily Lucinda Verano. It's one of the heroin of a story that I wrote for a future comic book. The title is SyCom. In the near future all the people live in peace. But this peace has a price : no feelings, no free will. Peopple doesn't know the truth. They think that it's normal to live like that but the truth is outhere (sorry^^). Everythin is under control. Internet controls everything in the world even the human race. And if one person understand what it's happened, Internet kills him. one day a group of young adult decides to destroy the responsible person behind internet....


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