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5 комментарии
Riff 13 1

Obviously Mac was not ready to cope with such a revelation. I don't think many people would be. Obviously in this situation adrenaline would be pumping and you'd pretty much be in fight or flight mode. Something appears that your not expecting?

Yeah, I think most people would choose flight.

Riff 13 06/15/2012 04:09:15   
McLeod 15

Riff 13 сказал:Obviously Mac was not ready to cope with such a revelation. I don't think many people would be. Obviously in this situation adrenaline would be pumping and you'd pretty much be in fight or flight mode. Something appears that your not expecting?

Yeah, I think most people would choose flight.

Thanks for the explanations Riff 13 !!

McLeod 06/28/2012 16:46:12   
footballkill 1

yes thanks for explaining I like this kind of insight !

footballkill 06/28/2012 17:54:10   
Riff 13 1

Sure thing! I know I love reading further insights from the creators so i always try to have something interesting to say about new pages.

Riff 13 07/03/2012 02:31:29   
Riff 13 1

Sure thing! I know I love reading further insights from the creators so i always try to have something interesting to say about new pages.

Riff 13 07/03/2012 02:31:29   

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