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12 комментарии

Raditz fights 10 people, almost always 3 on one, he nearly wins, and he kills almost all of them.

Nappa fights 2 survivors: he gets all his saibamen destroyed and gets repeatedly beamed in the face, with his biggest accomplishment being cracking Yamcha's ribs.

Conclusing: I know Nappa is tanking everything here, but fightwise, Raditz rules. Get your shit together Nappa. If Vegeta dies you will be the last saiyan and compared to Goku and Vegeta you are setting the bar incredibly low right now xD

And holy shit, Yamcha just never stops improving does he.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 07/18/2020 19:10:27   
Cattivone 3

Earthlings leveled up after the fight with Raditz.
Also in canon series, Nappa is said to have killed 3 warriors, but 2 of them actually committed suicide, and the third one sacrificed himself for saving Gohan.
The battle is not over yet bit yes, Nappa is overrated.

Cattivone 07/21/2020 10:09:06   
Chewys 31

Ha! Yeah. But that's pretty much what happened in the original: except for Nappa beating Tien, he was 70% per cent of the time getting hitted.
He is a great warrior, but too brute. That's why Yamcha and Roshi keep dominating the rythm of the fight... ir Nappa ever gains the upper hand... well, it'll be over really fast.

Chewys 07/21/2020 23:40:50   
alain57 4

Is it possible that per luck he touched nappa's tail on 4th picture?
Maybe last picture attack will have a big effect on nappa.

Radiate was indeed better because he had the surprise effect... People never had to fight someone as strong.
For Napa and Vegeta people got prepared... Not sure that it will be enough but they now that they should surprise their opponent otherwise they will be killed

alain57 07/21/2020 10:11:49   
Chewys 31

Yep: Roshi says so. They must dominate the rythm of the fight and have Nappa dancing to their pace. The moment Nappa gains the iniciative Roshi know they are done for.

Chewys 07/21/2020 23:43:07   
João Vitor 2

Good Yamcha good...

João Vitor 07/21/2020 17:11:05   
Chewys 31

Good, goood, i can feel your hate.... now strike him down and your path to the android side will be complete.

Chewys 07/21/2020 23:49:06   
John Boredonquixote 10

Love it that you create new techniques for the characters Chewys
It's exactly this innovation that make your comic standing out

John Boredonquixote 07/21/2020 19:07:29   
Chewys 31

It's the good ol' Sokidan but with a little multiplier... not that much of an innovation haha
But enough to keep it a bit interesting

Chewys 07/21/2020 23:47:34   
Chaman346 1

hola espero no molestare solo me preguntaba si tenia pensado crear o si ya ha creado un comic/manga sobre su pagina extra de son bra (multiverse) es que me parece que podría llegar a ser una historia muy interesante. El cómo ginyu no fue descubierto que hiso ginyu luego etc a mi parecer podría ser una historia muy interesante.

Chaman346 07/24/2020 06:29:00   
Chaman346 1


Chaman346 07/24/2020 06:23:47   
Yienzu 5

My man Chewys keeping it AWESOME! Upgrading our teams canon techniques with power and number multipliers is GREAT! Hopefully they can keep him off balance and really drain his power before he starts getting his hits in.

Yienzu 07/22/2020 02:09:02   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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