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6 コメント
Pixel-Platypus 2

Is Gero going to abduct Yamcha?

Pixel-Platypus 09/04/2018 11:32:12   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

And now we know why Satan developed the technique to fake a stomach ache.

Kaioken Krillshinhan 09/04/2018 11:37:29   
Jason Phoenix 11

So Gero plans on using Yamcha, that much we knew, but who will be C-18? Maybe Launch? Because we saw that minicomic which featured her as 18.

Jason Phoenix 09/04/2018 13:08:30   
Pixel-Platypus 2

We probably won't find out for a long time. We aren't even in the Vegeta arc yet.

Pixel-Platypus 09/04/2018 14:02:30   
Atan 3

Is Gero really going to abduct Yamcha? But he is C-17... what about the cyborgs from 12 to 16? (In the novel, if I remember well, Crilin remembers C-16 as being the one we know, Dr Gero's Son)

Atan 09/04/2018 14:06:17   
Jason Phoenix 11

Atan のコメント:Is Gero really going to abduct Yamcha? But he is C-17... what about the cyborgs from 12 to 16? (In the novel, if I remember well, Crilin remembers C-16 as being the one we know, Dr Gero's Son)

Well, C-13 to 15 are probably the ones from the movie, but I'm not sure if we've ever heard of C-12 or even C-10 for that matter. So who knows who or what they could be (what being cyborg or android).

Jason Phoenix 09/04/2018 22:27:12   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Gokuのチームについて

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




著者 :

チーム : , , , ,

翻訳 : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

公開のペース: 火曜日, 土曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

ジャンル : アクション

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