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yaoi-shin's blog


I can't believe it, I almost cleaned my entire message center wow. Q_Q It's been YEARS since it was truly empty YAY :'D

Anyways! I set a new goal for myself - Doing one drawing every day starting this evening! *^* So expect lots of uploads from me! I might not post all of them on my dA, some will go to tumblr (the sketches and scribbles, unless I really like them).
I'm really motivated to do this, this month will be the only month where I actually have lots of time for drawing so I won't get my laziness get to me!
Though I have to say I'm still out of practise so the results aren't looking as good as I hoped sometimes ;__;  Have to get u ...

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Will be back soon! // Art I owe?

Hi guys! :D

:bulletorange: I'm finally able to say I'll come back here soon! Right, I was around anyway, but not really all that active. :< BUT! My break starts on the 9th of July and I plan to post a lot! <3
There's a lot of art I want to finish, and a lot of things I plan on drawing out. C': I'm happy I'll finally be able to do so as much as I want for a whole month~! The next week will be a little stressful still, but after that I'm FREEEE~ ...

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It's not like I'm lonely or anything--

“What, no! I totally did not call you because I feel lonely or anything! I-I just…Uh…Seriously, if you HAD to return the world back to normal, you could’ve at least make the nights less cold y’know! ……….N-NO I don’t want you to come over, you stupid jerk! Not like you’d do that for me anyways, s-so shut up!”

Oooh Isamu, you could just admit you’d like Hitoshura’s company!

yes, sometimes I still draw sob. I actually like the outcome ;w; it made me a bit happier because I love Isamu (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

Honestly though, I can't wait for my summer break to finally start, I'm so done with everything ugh. also 120 more deviations from you guys I actually have to look through...! And I still owe quite some people art, I know.

Isamu Nitta - SMT: Nocturne - ATLUS
Art - Me


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Move along

Something new!! man I never liked designing clothes but for the Nocturne Trio I totally adore it! ´u` I miss drawing. One more week before I can draw as much as I want!

and I'll try to improve, or at least put a lot of effort into my drawings. I think I improved a little on this already, compared to my last Nocturne OT3 fanart...:iconembarrasedplz:

I was thinking - Okay Nocturne friends hanging out in Shibuya or w/e and it can be either pre!conception or neutral!Ending. They all look kinda awkward with each other so first hanging out after Neutral!ending sounds accurate after all that happened. ;v;

Hitoshura, Chiaki, Isamu - SMT: Nocturne (c) ATLUS
art (c) me


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SMT3scribbles...look I drew other characters too

//reads title
Wow. I'm proud of myself. CB There's still a Hito/Isamu though. I'M HOPELESS OKAY. :iconiluplz:

random scribbles, whooo! :dummy:
It's kinda sad how I can't offer more atm. ;w; 9th July I await you soooo. Freedom sob.

I wanna draw more Futomimi for some reason. and Chiaki but shhh


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SMT3scribbles - Dude, do everything for me

Oh my gaawd. <3 <3
This thing!
I was going through old school stuff the other day due to getting all of the important papers for the exams when I stumbled across these! >///U///<
They're my first Hitoshura/Isamu attempts! Argh! :heart: I can't believe I have this OTP for a half year already! I still love them like on the first day, if not more~

I always and STILL wanted to draw the bag and homework one as a real effort fanart. I WILL SOMEDAY.
Isamu is such a dependant, whiney douche, I love him~ <3
Especially on the first one! Bitchy!Isamu due to being ignored by the taller. Oh Hitoshura you're so stoic.

heehee, this is very nostalgic for me for some reason! :'D I love them sooooooo much! //apologizes for fangirl moment and leaves uvu


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Soul Nomad Scribbles

Cleaning out more of my older school scribbles and decided to leave this here. :'D
omg Soul Nomad~<3 Those scribbles are from October2011 ! Aah I was so into that game! I should dedicate it some fanart again one of these days.

can you tell what I ship because I totally can. It's so obvious. XD

Scrapped later~

Soul Nomad & The World Eaters - Nippon Ichi Software


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Sorry for yet another Journal //tumblr

Heeey. Sorry for updating so much atm!

Just wanted to leave you guys my tumblr if you're interested.

Maru on Tumblr -

It's a very simple blog and I mainly use it for art only~ sometimes other things but yeah, most of it is art.

I'll be back here soon to answer all my comments and stuffs, promise. ;v; though all in all I don't really see a point in submitting my art here y'know?

Last time I didn't quite put into words why, but well. I draw SMT. Mainly Nocturne.
There's no one here who likes that, so I dont see a point in sharing.

I'm a little sad because on tumblr the communication doesn't really work, and ...

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I have this huge platonic crush on someone

:iconpsylab: QAQ

I can't even put into words why, she's perfection.

She's the only one who fully understands me and who I feel like I can actually REALLY talk to about anything - AND she gives me the feeling she's genuinely interested in what I have to say and never thinks I'm weird or similar IT'S JUST GREAT.

AND WE'RE NOT EVEN PART OF THE SAME FANDOM FOR THAT MATTER I can still tell her all of my headcanons - she'll listen and hold the conversation and it's so amazing I never met someone like that before. IT'S LIKE SHE ALWAYS KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED and ...

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Chiaki is totally clueless about all of this.

It's fun to pick on Isamu tho, it looks good on him 8D I said I'd draw Hitoshura getting back at him for being such a handful...ehe. ♥
I need to draw more serious and less nsfw stuff with them. D: I don't really care about drawing any other fandoms anymore though.

I'm still veeery 'eh' about dA and I don't actually have the time to be here AT ALL but I was bored and NEEDED to distract myself from studying.
This is like a month old?? I didn't plan on finishing it. That's why it's halfly traditional(mostly the skin), then I decided to polish it up a little digitally. I love the idea but the drawing itself is just me doodling around. No crits please. IT'S JUST A DOODLE.

Hitoshura, Isamu Nitta - SMT III: Nocturne - ATLUS


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