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!!!!!!!!!! via Stephen Silver
"Please help voice your opinion, this is the only way change can happen. I believe in creating your own business, I know how expensive it can be too. Adobe creates create software and is worth it. believe me, But I also believe in the old model of buying the license once. They should not give it away for free, it has value to us all. I do not believe in pirating software, But I feel Adobe is biting their own foot on this one. They are making it very expensive for the average artist to use their current software by paying an expensive monthly amount. For some reason they fail to realize that the average person using their product is a student and freelancer, who does not have unlimited funds. we are not all multi million dollar corporations. Please help us in signing this quick petition that will reach the top guys. Their are over 44,000 people that have signed it already, and share away with your friends".

Adobe Systems Incorporated: Eliminate the mandatory "creative cloud" subscription model.

Development of Adobe Creative Suite 7, and all plans of future creative suites have been discontinued. The only option going forward will be the...

От Didizuka - Original post


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