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3 комментарии
DrugOn 11

I wish I have the same bravery as him is some cases...

DrugOn 11/16/2011 23:24:44   
Adou Fisch 18

I never thought that readers would feel that way about him :° Thank you for your comments ^^!

Adou Fisch 11/22/2011 12:44:35   
DrugOn 11

Adou Fisch сказал:I never thought that readers would feel that way about him :° Thank you for your comments ^^! That means your comic just hit the nail on the head! Now you know you made your job well, because it shows and gives emotions! And as for comments: no problemo, I'm trying to support you with your great job!

DrugOn 11/22/2011 20:56:04   

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