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3 комментарии
babee 15

Finaly a translate in portuguese! thanks, I like the cartoons is very cool, and now I can reed the bd! good joob Ibi and congratulations

babee 10/27/2011 17:22:17   
Ibi 15

babee сказал:Finaly a translate in portuguese! thanks, I like the cartoons is very cool, and now I can reed the bd! good joob Ibi and congratulations
Well thank you, I hope you'll enjoy them !

Even if I don't have any idea of who's been translating my pages in portuguese, as I never learned it myself !

But if he (or she) reads this comment, I'd like to say : Obrigada !

Ibi 10/29/2011 19:51:26   
fikiri 16

De nada

You are welcome!

fikiri 10/31/2011 15:19:27   

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