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10 комментарии
luca1 6

Now would be the perfect time for Kururin and Roshi to enter the scene

luca1 06/25/2019 11:24:34   
luca1 6

also if I may - "what are you thinking!?" or even "what the hell are you thinking!?" would sound better as "what do you think" is more of a friendly question about someones opinion rather that an angry outburst

luca1 06/25/2019 11:29:24   
Chewys 31

Thx!!! Corrected!!

Chewys 06/25/2019 22:52:50   
Cell3 4

Nice. Gohan can join Kururin. Yamsha can escape.

Raditz made a mistake. He should have finished Yamsha before to follow Gohan.

Cell3 06/25/2019 14:04:57   
Chewys 31

Yep, that's why Gohan enraged him!!

Chewys 06/25/2019 22:52:26   
Atan 3

So, Maybe Gohan could get some Senzus?

Atan 06/25/2019 14:34:01   
Chewys 31

Well... unless Raditz catches kinton

Chewys 06/25/2019 22:51:54   
Jason Phoenix 11

Who needs "Prince Vegeta"? We have THE GREAT RADITZ!!!

Jason Phoenix 06/25/2019 18:44:57   
Chewys 31

Yeah!! He sees himself as the big deal.
Well, for humans as we can see, he IS a big deal!!

Chewys 06/25/2019 22:53:40   
Rafael955 4

Lmao Gohan.

Rafael955 06/26/2019 16:58:02   

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