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9 комментарии
Chewys 31

And it´s over!!!

Remember to go check DBT, Torrijo´s comic about Tarble!

Chewys 05/22/2018 01:12:22   
John Boredonquixote 10

My 50 cents! NOOOooooo... eh... i mean YAMCHA! NOOOoooo!!!

...the...the match was fixed, shame on you Chewys! I dare you to ask everyone, no one expected that outcome!

Ok, double or nothing! Next match, Banjo will sweep the floor with Tien's bloodless, soulless, pathetic excuse for a body!

John Boredonquixote 05/22/2018 13:17:26   
Chewys 31

Hahahaha!!! I was going to propose you the same thing!!!
I´ll take that bet!!!

Chewys 05/23/2018 00:43:32   
AnimeChicken 5

Chewys you are forgetting the tournament has a infirmary remember Videl was there after getting kicked around from Spopovitch? Even Yamcha was there when Tien broke his leg.

AnimeChicken 05/23/2018 08:04:20   
Chewys 31

Mmm, Videl was taken to the infirmary, but Yamcha wasn't i think. He listened to the whole tournament on the radio in a nearby hospital.
Maybe the infirmary was built later, or pherhaps Yamcha's injuries are too serious and need hospital intervention.

Chewys 05/23/2018 14:35:00   
Ouroboros 28

The hospital and this time with more then just a broken leg... the ideal moment for dr Gero to yamcha nap him

Ouroboros 05/23/2018 23:21:31   
Pixel-Platypus 2

My prediction. Tien will win his first match, lose second. Then Krillin will drink ultra water to win the tournament.

Pixel-Platypus 05/24/2018 08:44:56   
AnimeChicken 5

Krillen already drank the water a few chapters ago he split it with Yamcha

AnimeChicken 05/24/2018 13:50:40   
venuu 19

wait, he didn't ballistic on the Yamucha? awww, that would've been kewl

venuu 05/29/2018 02:45:11   

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Информация от команды DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Автор :

Команда : , , , ,

Переводчик: : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Темп публикации: Вторник, Суббота

Тип : манга

Жанры : Боевик

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