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.Set Me Free.


Yaoi warning! XDDD
This drawing is more experimental for me since I've never drawn any bondage or someone being tied up in this way, so I hope you enjoy it. ;P I also wanted to make the uke look tormented, but also feel too good at the same time LOL! /dies

Anyway, I took a couple days to sit down and draw for pleasure.. (guilty pleasure) lol
Now I have a pile of homework and lesson plans that I need to get done by this week. //dies
oohhh the consequences of my poor decisions T_T!

I also downloaded an app on my phone that lets me read all the yaoi manga I want whenever I want so that has taken most of my time when I am not busy with work.

I hope you like it :D
See you again!

time: ??
tools: PTS + PS CS3

please do not steal or use without permission


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