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Blog de yaoi-shin

Marureenu ID ?

Hey! Wow, after about 5 years on dA I finally decided to upload a photo...Of myself. ouo

I know I said I didn't want to upload anymore for now - And that still stands. I can't wait to draw more Nocturne though! I'm planning to make great progress with my OTP arts *-* but since I'm not uploading for now... I don't know how active I'll be on dA regarding commenting and stuff. :<

Anyways! I thought it'd be nice to show who I am though. mmmayybe using this as an ID, not sure yet.

See you guys! :iconiluplz:

now continuing looking forward to three awesome months with my beloved :iconpuppyheartbeat: and :iconjonas-sloth: <3 <3 <3


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Devious Journal Entry

I'm inspired to draw, but I don't really want to submit anymore.

It doesn't seem worth it.

So I don't know, for now I'll just keep my art to myself. I still have a lot of art I need to finish and I can't wait to draw more tonight. I have a lot of ideas~

Also I lost 2 Watchers today. Yay. ...

De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Mind Charm

Hitoshura: Too bad I ran out of Dis-Charms. //lie

Hitoshura, you demon, you~ |D

I just finished my third Nocturne playthrough yesterday [with the Neutral ending again of course] so I'm actually more in the touchy feels mood for this ship but this was already lined~

Besides, Isamu can be such a huge ass to Hitoshura in the game that it's okay to make him ~suffer~ a little like that. :heart:
Mind Charm is a fun ailment, making him get on Hito's lap all involuntary. He'll be just like "I know you have healing spells, make this stop at once you jerk I-I don't even want that, why--" //keeps coming on to Hito all cute and needy

sigh, I'm a little disappointed with dA lately :< but hey, still uploading ´u`/


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Musubi scribbles

Words can't describe just how many OTP feelings I have for the Amala Temple scenes.

Always chose for Hitoshura to tell Isamu he comes to save Hijiri instead of looking how Isamu is doing WHICH IS PAINFUL FOR MY LITTLE HITOISA HEART but...but everything afterwards is just BETTER. more angsty and more obvious. Isamu is so bitter and don't get me started on "There's no reason for you to help this man", "you're really strong, I'm glad I'm a friend otherwise I'd be dead by now, haha... ........" or "Are you okay with being used all the time...? Um, never mind"

I have this weird huge weakness for Pseudo-Fiend Isamu being all tsundere and him and Hitoshura being close in that love-hate friend-enemy way where it's not even possible. And Isamu would be all confused and hating because he's too tsun for his own good. hence the chibi. ´v`


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Nocturne OT3

uploading more scribbles because who cares really?
I think as long as I'm not drawing Persona but Nocturne it's automatically annoying :iconawesome2plz:

in other news. Sometimes I get bored during lessons even if I shouldn't.
these three though!!

the Isamu/Chiaki ones turned out more shippy than I intended to :’D …Isamu’s more like “with your way of dressing, you got nothing on me girl~ u3u and…Well HitoIsa was a must- someone probably walked in on them or idk~ |> :heart: all I know is that Isamu won't be wearing that jacket for long.

Those outfits with all three I really loved designing, I have a full colored picture in work with those. well at least for Isamu and Hitoshura. Sorry Chiaki.
scrapped later I guess~


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SMT3 - Worth it 02

....Yes....YES.... After 2 Months...I finally managed to submit the second page~! TTATT;;

Page 1:

This is my Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Doujinshi/Comic thingie which deals with the Hitoshura/Isamu pairing Post!Neutral Ending of the game. of course~ ♥♥

As I said before in another Artist comment, when I did the first page I usually planned this to be 15 pages long. But I didn't really liked it anymore so I totally overworked everything and ended up getting this to contain a little more than 50 pages...! I-it just happened automatically! But I'm very excited for this project and I strive to finish it! I'll see if I'm going to upload it all here but I'll definitely draw it until the end! That's how much I love this pairing. ♥ I never did something like that for any of my past pairing obsessions. They're just. My top OTP out of everything. ~ ;v;

SO YEAH. This takes place after the Neutral Ending. In my head I always imagine the actual scene of that ending to happen a little after Hitoshura returned the World to normal as Yuko's email seemed to me like time already passed since they lived through the Conception. And I just don't see Chiaki and Isamu to be that outgoing and happy right after what happened. I always see Isamu to be especially disatisfied with Hitoshura's choice to bring back the former world at first actually, because of the way he dislikes society's ways more than anything. dum dum dum that's just my headcanon though and my fanart soooo let me take my liberties. C8

Characters (c) ATLUS
drawing (c) meee


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Do you have any idea how long you kept me waiting?

Just something I drew during lessons but somehow I liked it enough to upload. >u<

And I can never have enough of Isamu douchebag Nitta ♥

done solely with my crappy biro so of course I wasn't able to redo anything TTnTT

Isamu Nitta - SMTIII Nocturne - ATLUS


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


DSRK - Bond

//AHHH I finally managed to finish this! ;-; It took me so long to get around drawing it...

This is my Part of the Art Trade with the amazing ~Etsu-koi :heart:
I hope you'll like this at least a bit. ;w; I never drew a Raidou Fanart before and I have to say Kaneko's character designs for this game are the most difficult ones for me so far. ;o; But I tried my very best with this! ;O;

I myself have yet to play the second Raidou game...I need to start on that soon ;w; But yeah...I just really tried to draw him and Narumi in a more calm moment with Raidou being so busy, always. uvu

Here's the Hitoshura/Isamu picture I got, which I obviously Looove a lot s-so I really tried to make my piece look good too... ;A; hope it's okay in your eyes ;v;

Raidou Kuzunoha, Shouhei Narumi, Gouto - SMT: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha - ATLUS


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Take that hat off.

My main motivation recently is the HitoIsa doujinshi/comic thing I finally picked up working on~:heart: I restarted planning it out and now I got around 50 pages - Before that there were only 15...But I'm glad with how it is now, a lot more than before. c:
Well...Yeah, it'll take me ages to get to that though especially to the gooood scene, so I finished this here in the meanwhile. :heart: I'm also working on Art Trades...no worries.

um. I have no shame 8D

Hitoshura, Isamu Nitta - SMT: Nocturne - ATLUS


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Pay more attention to me!

For the wonderful :iconpuppyheartbeat: :heart::heart::heart:

These are her characters Symphony and Valerian~:iconiluplz: I totally adore these two especially put together <333 ! Symphony is the character type I love <3 she's just all kinds of precious. In her own way. ;3 :heart:
And the designs *p* I had to draw them!

Hope you like it Puppy! :huggle: please enjoy! <33 I love you ;w;

Valerian, Symphony (c) :iconpuppyheartbeat:
Art (c) Me


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source

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