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Blog de yaoi-shin

:DeSu: Look at me for once

....of course he doesn't say that out loud :iconheplz:

Kaido/Mari~~ I LOVE this ship sooo much! QwQ <3 I mean it's bad...considering she's his dead brother's fianceé but I can't help but love his tsundere crush on her and the way he has this blockade to be ~nice~ to her. |'D

Anyway YEAH I had fun drawing this, even though I had some difficulties here and there - But wanting to draw them kept me motivated! :heart:

drawing DeSu art is fun *v*

Mari Mochizuki, Tadashi Nikaido - SMT: Devil Survivor (c) ATLUS
art (c) me


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Eiji 'Gin' Kamiya

First time drawing Gin from Devil Survivor :iconiluplz:

I love him...very much...<u< >u>
I also like that him and Haru got a good load of screentime when you go for their ending :heart:

agh, I love these kind of formats and like the outcome! <3

Gin - SMT: Devil Survivor (c) ATLUS
art (c) me


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source


Won't I ever get a thank you...?

You keep avoiding me since we made it back. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even lie here, able to games... ...Won't I ever get a 'thank you' for that...?

slightly older art from when I started practicing with SAI, so it's not ~that great~ even though I tried to polish it up a little.

Naoki/Isamu OTP hee hee hee

Naoki Kashima/Hitoshura, Isamu Nitta - SMT: Nocturne (c) ATLUS
art (c) me


De http://marureenu.deviantart.com - Source

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