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Trickster - MoonSlayer Comic
Hi! I'm back to deviantart (I think)
With the cover of the current chapter of my webcomic! wooho!
As all my MS work: Ink lineart + PS color.
I'll be upload some of my latest work when I have time.
This is not a Goodbye
De - Post original
Her Last Will
New cover for “Her Last Will” one-shot comic. Featuring Aër Draccon and Iris, from my novel Iris and comic MoonSlayer.
They are very powerful, protectors of the world, half-dragon wizards.
Pigment Ink (var colors), watercolors, gouache.
The Little Mermaid
“The Little Mermaid” (Polynesian Version). 2nd in my fables & fairytales series.
EV Theme: In Between.
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2014 Summary of Art
Long time I don't post anything
I'm involved in some secret projects, and I can't show you anything yet. Meanwhile I give you this