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5 コメント
FrenchKizz 32

Chapter 11 is over, and with it, a significant page of NPC is turning.
After two years of absence, I guess you guys have a lot of questions. I will try to answer them.

FrenchKizz 03/09/2022 17:07:34   
Chewys 31


1) What was the maximum level when Galador was erased from the game? Now it´s 100. And back then?

2) Why there are no other powerful orcs? Orcs are a strong race! Why Galador is always recognized as soon as he is able to deal with mid-level avatars?

3)Is Serena stronger than Galador, right now?

4) How many members of the Sirius Guild are fighting Galador and Serena now?

5)How much HP does Galador have right now?

6) Do you have the finale already thought or will you continue indefinetly?

7) What happened in this two years?

8) How can we help this comic grow?

Chewys 03/09/2022 23:46:19   
FrenchKizz 32

のコメント:1) What was the maximum level when Galador was erased from the game? Now it´s 100. And back then?
The maximum level was 100 when he was erased but they added new superstrong gears and spells for avatar since.
のコメント:2) Why there are no other powerful orcs? Orcs are a strong race! Why Galador is always recognized as soon as he is able to deal with mid-level avatars?
Usually orc are mid+ level monsters. but now with the new updates and gears they are easier to defeat than before.

のコメント:3)Is Serena stronger than Galador, right now?
Haha, I don't know, what do you think?

のコメント:4) How many members of the Sirius Guild are fighting Galador and Serena now?
for now, they are 4 active members one healer, one tank, Paulina(spells and buffs), and reckf(striker), they're well prepared. :o
のコメント:5)How much HP does Galador have right now?
Not a lot XD
のコメント:6) Do you have the finale already thought or will you continue indefinitely?
the ending is already written, we know where we're heading to

のコメント:7) What happened in these two years?
A lot of things happened, we changed the way we managed the manga, we prefer to take a hiatus and focus on the 3rd volume instead of drawing pages daily, we chose quality over quantity and it took us roughly 2 years to finish the volume as we really wanted it.

のコメント:8) How can we help this comic grow?

. I sincerely don't know X), if you have ideas please contact me in DM.

FrenchKizz 03/10/2022 08:50:43   
Chewys 31

Dm sent!!!

Another question i had:

Is Galador that strong because he's possessed by a demon ir Is he just some kind of prodigy?

Has Galador killed the avatars who killed Kira?

Chewys 03/12/2022 17:01:11   
FrenchKizz 32

のコメント:Is Galador that strong because he's possessed by a demon ir Is he just some kind of prodigy?
He is a Prodigy, I was an overlord

のコメント:Has Galador killed the avatars who killed Kira?
Nope, he never managed to know who they were.

FrenchKizz 03/13/2022 21:27:13   
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Original Language: Français

公開のペース: 月曜日, 金曜日

タイプ : 和風漫画

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