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6 commentaires
Zeromus 3

Our lord and savior is here ! If he manage to get his youth back he will be literally unstoppable. Nobody here is even close to level of young Slug. They have to kill him when he is still old and weak.

Zeromus 04/11/2023 16:58:00   
bnkjk 4

In DBM canon, old Slug is already around 100k in power, and regaining his youth would probably double that. He's strong, but Haarp, Vegeta and Nail working together could theoretically take him down.

bnkjk 06/11/2023 10:26:24   
Zeromus 3

Giant Slug was winning against Goku. Goku needed energy from Picollo and x100 kaioken to win.Haarp and Nail cannot do anything against this level of power. Vegeta mayby , we don't know his current limits.

Zeromus 06/11/2023 12:57:29   
Rahvu 7

Slug looks a bit grumpy here.. i would be too if i had to sit in small hoverchair like that.

Rahvu 04/11/2023 17:09:41   
Zeromus 3

Yes , Slug in Frieeza'a chair looks kinda cute. Good cover.

Zeromus 04/11/2023 22:19:22   
LostAmber 1

Slug: "With the Dragon Balls I will gain back my youth!"
Harp: "I feel like we've been here before. Have we been here before?"

LostAmber 04/11/2023 22:23:10   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , ,

Traduction par : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Mardi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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