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6569 vues
4 commentaires
Esteryn 33

Very cool drawings again @@ and i don't usually like action but this look so smooth and classy

Esteryn 25/09/2011 16:35:17   
DrugOn 11

All these billows of smoke, shadows and movement look just awesome!

DrugOn 28/09/2011 21:44:47   
Eskhar 31

Thanks! (I wasn't too sure about the action in this page - I changed many frames, and tried to put them in different order... wasn't easy ^^')

Eskhar 28/09/2011 11:43:13   
DrugOn 11

Eskhar a dit:Thanks! (I wasn't too sure about the action in this page - I changed many frames, and tried to put them in different order... wasn't easy ^^')
But it came out great! Nice to read and watch your works - every page and detail are refined to the end

DrugOn 28/09/2011 21:44:29   
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