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4 commentaires
Eskhar 31

Nice ! °w° (yep I can't say anything coherent, but I love it so far, even if it's just the beginning xD)

Eskhar 19/03/2013 13:22:59   

Thank you! Follow us on Amilova and, Like us on Facebook! Thank for your support!http://images.amilova.com/smiles/smile.gif

UNDEADTRINITY 19/03/2013 17:28:30   
Eskhar 31

I'm already following your work on amilova °w° !
I would like on facebook, but which adress is the page ? (I can see the two "like this page (aka the amilova Undead trinity page) on facebook" but not the actual Undead Trinity facebook page =_O)

Eskhar 19/03/2013 21:37:04   

Hi, the page is http://www.facebook.com/Undeadtrinity thank you!

UNDEADTRINITY 20/03/2013 12:36:52   
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