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Astaryn Map

Fantasy map of Astaryn for my novel refugio.monicang.com/

The drawing was made in 2011 with ink and quill, but I deleted the hand lettering and coast lines and added the digital colour and text for making a big poster for the book :D

It has a big watermark, but please, don't use it without permission. 


Mapa de fantasía de Astaryn para mi novela refugio.monicang.com/ (¡puedes leerla en la web, es gratis!)
Está hecho con tinta y pluma, en 2011, pero borré los textos y líneas de costa, lo coloreé digitalmente para hacer un poster para el libro.

Sé que tiene una marca de agua gigante, pero no lo useis sin mi permiso :D


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original


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Trickster - MoonSlayer Comic

Hi! I'm back to deviantart (I think)
With the cover of the current chapter of my webcomic! wooho!

As all my MS work: Ink lineart + PS color.

 I'll be upload some of my latest work when I have time. =)


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original

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