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General of Riga

Done for the EV Theme "New Beginnings". This is Venux, one of my novel characters, as the General of the fae realm, Riga.
She's a grey dragon marshal, and in this moment of the story she chose to serve the war refugees and the land where her loved one rested. This moment was her new beginning.

Speedpainting. Some hours.

Related art:


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original


Otras publicaciones

Trickster - MoonSlayer Comic

Hi! I'm back to deviantart (I think)
With the cover of the current chapter of my webcomic! wooho!

As all my MS work: Ink lineart + PS color.

 I'll be upload some of my latest work when I have time. =)


De http://monica-ng.deviantart.com - Post original

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