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Guildadventure 31

First round of questions for our Monster girls. Remember you can ask them more questions in the comments.
Regarding the age of characters, some MGs have different live expectances than a human. Reptile races like salamanders or slazs can live 200 years, as well as incomplete reptile girls like Dragon. Insect races live less, and this is especially relevant in Panda ants, that have a live expectancy of about 15 years. Arachnes also live less, with expectancies of about 40-50. Mammal races are variable; some of them live as long as humans, some live a little less. Birds have usually less expectancy than humans, but it can be different in some cases like Europa. Creatures like Succubus or Yuki onna have similar if not longer live expectancies than normal.

If you like the strips, you can read the next week strip before your friends by supporting me on patreon. http://patreon.com/kukuruyo

Guildadventure 20/02/2016 13:06:41   
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