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Hopes Peak Academy - Ambre Mevel

:iconhopespeakacademy: :iconhopespeakacademy: :iconhopespeakacademy:

*Really happy because this group is going to be awesome ouo*
Open this grouuuuup~

Name: Ambre Mevel
Age: 14 years old
Height: 5'
Weight: 34 kg
Gender: Female
DOB: 4th July

SHSL: Super High School Level Designer
Ethnicity/Race: Born in France, Live in England
Extra Features: An Earing the right Ear : A little diamond.
Weapon: N/A

:bulletgreen: Personality: She is a little impatient, but really sensible of blood. She is usually really nice, but can be really agressive really easily, this is why she try to keep calm, and don't answer.
:bulletgreen: Likes:
- Flowers
- Drawings
- All kind of art
- Dreams
- Sweeties
:bulletgreen: Dislikes:
- Be Alone
- Blood
- Murderers
:bulletgreen: Additional Info: N/A

:bulletgreen: History/Family: When Ambre was born, her mother died during the childbirth. The father, terrified by the death of his wife, began to drink, leaving her daughter. Amber was taken in by her aunt, who spent a fortune to bring his daughter into a good school. She became a graduate of it early, and built his own design company.
:bulletgreen: RP Sample: Example : Ambre sit down at the table, and look at all the students.
For the "RP Sample" sorry, but i don't have imagination for the little sentence x')


De http://thaniaekmalice.deviantart.com - Source


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