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Taiga: Look, a veil
Ryuuji: Um, I Ryuuji, will...Uh...what should I say?
Taiga: It doesn't matter, just say something.
Ryuuji: How can I not matter? Uh...marry Aisaka Taiga...
Taiga: Do you remember you say before? "Since ancient times, the dragon has been the only beast to equal the tiger." That's why, even without a vow, we'll always be together, right?
Ryuuji: Yeah...*blushed* TAI -
Taiga: Your eyes are red. Your breathing is all weird.
Ryuuji: Shut up! 
Taiga: Your lips are cracked. It'll hurt if we kiss.
Ryuuji: It's not like...
Taiga: If we kiss, it'll definitely hurt...a lot.
Ryuuji: *kiss Taiga* How was it?
Taiga: Just as I expected...It was like a rought, dry wilderness. Also, it was really, really warm...Hey, it's cold, so let's do it one more -
Ryuuji: *kiss Taiga*
Taiga: One more time...
Ryuuji: *kiss Taiga*
Taiga: One more...

De animes-here - Source


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