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.lovey boys.

hello! i have no idea for a title so whatever idgaf ><

this is an old drawing i drew back in August but i never put it up anywhere. so right now, i see all the mistakes. u don't have to point them out; i know what they are. =_=

It's actually a picture from my bl manga that i started in August, but I never finished it since school started and got in the way.

but now that school is over, i can get back to it!!!!! gosh i hope i can do it and let everyone read it! hehehe
It's been soooooooooooo long since I drew something. I hope I can still draw decently and color like this too. :cries:

glad to be kind of uploading something new. it's been so long T T... sorry for making you wait~
hope to see u again soon!


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