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I knew having my brother Jake come stay with me for the weekend was a bad idea. Especially after what transpired last time. But he’s my brother, and when he called and said he was coming East and couldn’t well say no. 

Things were fine and normal that first day and I kicked myself for whatever thoughts were going through my head. Until Saturday morning we were sitting around, shooting the breeze, when Jake started popping wood in his sweatshorts. Plain as day, and in any case my brother’s hung with a real thick eight incher, so when he bones up it’s real obvious. 

I feel a little dizzy and think, fuck, this is gonna happen again. Just like last time. Jake staring at me, with a raw male unger in his eyes. His boner twitching, begging for my eyes to look down and stare at it. I do. I’m not a small boy, but it’s amazing just how freakin’ big my brother’s dick is. It’s magnificent - large and powerful. 

Jake was baring it now, slipping down those flimsy shorts, kicking them off. Letting his rod free. Free to bounce around his crotch, stand up straight. Sap leaking from the head.

My brother looked down at his hard spike. “Damn, he missed you bro.”

"I missed him, too," I admitted.



I’m done with my workout…so come and lick up this sweaty cock and balls…then dig into my hot hole, fucker…

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