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Adjectives: 4/4

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Hello! I did these pages in September for some contests I didn’t win but I’m still proud of it.

English isn’t my mother language but I want to explain the reasons behind the story: some experience during my teaching (master intership) on kids of twelve-thirteen years old.

My tutor gave me freedom to developed a lesson plan about publicity. I designed nine classes, the first class was about the main characteristics of publicity and the rest of them were about subvertising. Malicious advertisings was analyzed and categorized in: sexism, racism, cult of the beauty,consumerism and homophobia.

Aaand there I found the first reason, kids didn’t know what was homophobia but they point the bad things on the homophobic advertising. Although I explained what is when I finished my teaching they didn’t remember clearly the term. I’m a bit self disappointed. On the other hand, makes me want to work to communicate more understandable.

Go back to the point. Children make groups of three-four and chose an advertising to do a subvertising of it. I went table to table asking for their choices and when one boy said….well, he didn’t say, he pointed to the picture and said: “this” I was very happy because it was the homophobic one and when I replied cheerfully “the homophobic?” he ask me what was and I answer: “the adv. about discrimination of gay people” he quickly yell: WHAT. NO. No gays. I was a little shocked so I ask why… the response? “I don’t like gay people. Gays can come to me” I explain to him that doesn’t truth but I don’t know if I do enough….

Finally, I saw the back of a chair like in the comic, that were written “proud gay”. I don’t understand because well is not an insult itself but in the context it seems ( perversion of the language) In the comic I changed this fact to make it more obvious.


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Otras publicaciones

Japan Weekend Barcelona 12 y 13 de marzo

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The Crew

 ¡Os presentamos The Crew el segundo especial de Sintaxis!


Carla le pide a Adri que sea la estrella invitada en una de las actuaciones de su grupo de baile. ¡De aquí sólo puede salir algo bueno!

12 páginas de contenido exclusivo por 2 euretes de na' y con un pedazo de extra de la mano de Hanaoka, que es la caña. ¡Y firma al gusto!

Podéis haceros con una copia en el stand 59 de la Japan Weekend de Barcelona, este fin de semana (12 y 13 de marzo). Aquí tenéis el mapa con la ubicación.

Además de los dos especiales también podréis encontrar chapas y llaveros de Sintaxis.

¿No vais a la Japan? No os preocupéis, después del evento abriremos los pedidos por correo :D

Por último, en el stand 59 también encontraréis a 3nunteam con un especial de su webcómic Society of Vice y muchas más cositas~~


De http://neko6.deviantart.com - Post original



Love 💋💋💋💋💋

De scraggying - Post original

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