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Diggers Ch 1 pg 14

Diggers Ch 1 pg 14

Visit the post for more.

De Diggers - Post original


Hello people. Finally the day to show FanArts is here. We had only one entry, therefore an automatic winner xD Character : Marco D' Katherin Author : Carlos Arguedas Congratulations , Carlos. See you guys next time!!


Fanart contest entries

Hello people. Finally the day to show FanArts is here. We had only one entry, therefore an automatic winner xD Character : Marco D' Katherin Author : Carlos Arguedas Congratulations , Carlos. See y...

De Diggers - Post original


Hello people. Today a new drawing , this time from Jessy D' Marco, silent and lonely young group . Do you think the lifestyle so hectic , always moving and constantly facing dangers , apprenticeship leading excavator , the cause of his attitude ? Or maybe you have not exceeded the death of their parents ? Although in this picture seems to be very quiet ... [ 29 more words. ]


Art: Jessy – Lost in thoughts

Hello people. Today a new drawing , this time from Jessy D' Marco, silent and lonely young group . Do you think the lifestyle so hectic , always moving and constantly facing dangers , apprenticeshi...

De Diggers - Post original


Hello guys. This time I bring you the winning drawing the of the first Diggers FanArt contest . The character is Cidney , and was created by J_iN , a Mexican artist. I hope you like it as much as I do 😀 Remember you can send your FanArts here


Cidney – Fanart

Hello guys. This time I bring you the winning drawing the of the first Diggers FanArt  contest . The character is Cidney , and was created by J_iN , a Mexican artist. I hope you like it as much as ...

De Diggers - Post original


Hello people!! Today I will post the most iconic drawing from Diggers. Our main character , ready for battle. A young man who was found among the ruins of the ancient world . No memory, no past, he dedicates his life to recover his memories and in order to achieve this , he will travel the world with the Diggers. I hope you like it , read you soon :D


Taxon – Light up the fight

Hello people!! Today I will post the most iconic drawing from Diggers. Our main character , ready for battle. A young man who was found among the ruins of the ancient world . No memory, no past, he...

De Diggers - Post original


Hello people. This is the image I used as the cover of Chapter 2 of Diggers . At that time I took a week to finish it xD Hope you like.



Hello people. This is the image I used as the cover of Chapter 2 of Diggers . At that time I took a week to finish it xD Hope you like.

De Diggers - Post original


One of the first conceptual drawings of this character . I find it somewhat strange that she's smiling because it is not well suited for the character 's personality of the in the story , but oh well, this was one of the first drawings . What you do you think?


Jessy – Concept Design

One of the first conceptual drawings of this character . I find it somewhat strange that she's smiling because it is not well suited for the character 's personality of the in the story , but oh we...

De Diggers - Post original


Hi guys, I 've been a little busy with work and I have not been able to update the site in recent days . Today I bring you another early drawing from Diggers , the D'Marco team. The background was not made by me, it was taken from internet, created by an unknown author ( If anyone knows please tell me to put it in the credits) . [ 37 more words. ]


The D’Marco Team

Hi guys, I 've been a little busy with work and I have not been able to update the site in recent days . Today I bring you another early drawing from Diggers , the D'Marco team. The background was ...

De Diggers - Post original


And to celebrate the return of the site, another pretty old drawing of Jessy. Hope you like.


De Diggers - Post original


Hi folks, I have been working on the new pages and I'm sure you'll love them. Now fully digitized pages have much higher quality and finishing details ... Of course this causes the development take longer and do not want to publish until we have the whole chapter , so for now there will be new pages. Meanwhile , I leave the FanArt of Taxon sent by our friend MrBigAl . I hope you like it as much as I do.


Fanart – Taxon by MrBigAl

Hi folks, I have been working on the new pages and I'm sure you'll love them. Now fully digitized pages have much higher quality and finishing details ... Of course this causes the development take...

De Diggers - Post original

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