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4 comentarios
Ouroboros 28

typical princess your subjects aren't little pets you throw bread crumbs at..

Ouroboros 10/05/2012 21:38:07   
ivy-mitsuno 7

Ouroboros ha dicho:typical princess your subjects aren't little pets you throw bread crumbs at..

Not at all xD She does everything by her self
i think this page was more typical princess, i actually thought of Jasmin from Aladin in this scene

thank you so much comment in my comic ^^

ivy-mitsuno 10/05/2012 22:45:53   
Ouroboros 28

well atleast she is smart enough to pay for them first

Ouroboros 11/05/2012 10:14:57   
ivy-mitsuno 7

Ouroboros ha dicho:well atleast she is smart enough to pay for them first

haha she did xD (just didn't show that)

ivy-mitsuno 11/05/2012 16:25:13   
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