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2 comentarios
Ouroboros 28

Somehow i can't can't add text in the translation page today, atleast the save isn't working and that might aswell be the same thing

Ouroboros 23/07/2017 09:47:45   
Ouroboros 28

I am making no secret out of it.
Both Ayo of Kempen Adventures and the homo erectus, Erecta a minor character from The Fall of the Silver Blaze are Yi Hufu from Blaze of Silver.
With a few character changes as that's bound to happen raised differently.

Heck there even the same age, so i let them celebrate.. i just forgot that there is a cultural barrier.

While i rebooted the series 4 years ago.

It was 11 years since i started the series on deviantart, hip hip hoera!

Ouroboros 23/07/2017 09:49:00   
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